Download the Review Copy on your device

If you want to read your review copy on your own device, you can download it directly from the Booksprout website or app.

  1. Navigate to My Review Copies page.
  2. Between the "Active" and "Due" tab, find the book you want to read.
  3. Click on "Download" below the book card or click on the book card itself to see more details and click on "Download again".
  4. Click the "Download copy" square.
  5. Select the file type you want to download between EPUB and PDF.
  6. Click "Download".

Based on which device you are downloading this review copy from, the file might end up in various locations. If you have a hard time finding the file, we recommend searching how to location downloaded files on your specific device. If you have a hard time accessing the file, you can try either reading directly on the Booksprout website/app, or get in touch with our support at [email protected].

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