Block and Report a Message from a Reviewer

If you receive a message via Booksprout that you think is inappropriate or spammy, you can block that person from messaging you and report them to the Booksprout staff if needed.

You should never share sensitive information in a Booksprout message and you never have to send a book file via email outside of our platform. If anyone contacts you because they have a hard time downloading or reading your book, please click the "Request Support" button above the "Send" button and we'll help them.

Reasons to report someone includes:

  • Harassment
  • Requesting sensitive information (like your email address)
  • Spamming
  • Other

If you're not sure if you should report someone or not, we recommend you do report them. There are no repercussions for reporting someone who didn't do anything wrong, so we would rather you report someone you think might deserve it instead of not reporting them.

Block a Reviewer from Messaging you

  1. Click on the message icon in the top right corner of the website to navigate to the Messages page.
  2. Find the conversation you want to block and/or report.
  3. Click on that conversation.
  4. Above the conversation, click on the small "Block User" icon.
  5. Check the "Report this user" checkbox if you think it's necessary.
  6. Click the "Block User" button to confirm.

Report a Specific Message to the Booksprout Staff

  1. Click on the message icon in the top right corner of the website to navigate to the Messages page.
  2. Find the conversation you want to report.
  3. Click on that conversation.
  4. Find the message you want to report.
  5. Next to the message, click the small "Flag" icon.
  6. Click on "Report".

Don't worry, we don't show the reader that you've reported their message.

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