How to Manually Approve a Review

If a reader has reached out to you because they have tried to leave their review on a store but it has either been delayed or rejected, you can still manually approve their review so it shows as completed for the reader.

You don't have to do this if you don't believe the reader has actually left their review. This should be used only if you believe the reader and want them to have access to your other review campaigns.

If a reader has a hard time leaving their review on Booksprout, the first thing you can do is direct them to our support team at [email protected] so we can help them leave their reviews.

Manually Approve a Review via a Review Campaign

  1. Navigate to your Review Campaigns page.
  2. Find the appropriate Review Campaign.
  3. Click on "Manage" next to that Review Campaign.
  4. Scroll or search until you find the appropriate review.
  5. Click on the green arrow next to the appropriate review.
  6. Click "Grant Review Exception" in the menu.
  7. Select which store you would like to grant a review exemption.
  8. Click "Confirm" when you are done.

Review exemptions only apply to a specific review campaign. For example, if a reader is having a hard time leaving a review on Amazon and have claimed two of your review campaigns, you will need to go to each review campaign to grant them a review exemption for that specific review campaign.

Manually Approve a Review via the Reviews page

  1. Navigate to the Reviews page.
  2. Scroll, search or use the filters until you find the appropriate review.
  3. Click on the green arrow next to the appropriate review.
  4. Click "Grant Review Exception" in the menu.
  5. Select which store you would like to grant a review exemption.
  6. Click "Confirm" when you are done.

Review exemptions only apply to a specific review campaign. For example, if a reader is having a hard time leaving a review on Amazon and have claimed two of your review campaigns, you will need to go to each review campaign to grant them a review exemption for that specific review campaign.

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