View a Reviewer Profile

You can view a reviewer profile from various places in your author dashboard. You might want to see a reviewer profile to decide if it's someone you want to invite to your team if they are worth blocking, or simply because you're curious!

It's worth noting that there is currently no way to find a list of all Booksprout reviewers. You will only have access to the profile of reviewers who have interacted with your account by either joining one of your review campaigns or one of your teams.

In this tutorial:

View a Reviewer Profile from a Review Campaign

  1. Navigate to the Review Campaigns page.
  2. Find the appropriate Review Campaign.
  3. Click on "Manage" next to the appropriate Review Campaign card.
  4. Navigate to either the "Reviews & Feedback" or "Participants" tab in the bottom section.
  5. Scroll, search or filter to find the appropriate reviewer or participant.
  6. Click on the reviewer's name to access their Reviewer Profile.

View a Reviewer Profile from the Reviews & Feedback page

  1. Navigate to the Review & Feedback page.
  2. Scroll, search or filter to find the appropriate review or feedback.
  3. Click on the reviewer's name to access their Reviewer Profile.

View a Reviewer Profile from a Team

  1. Navigate to the Teams page.
  2. Find the appropriate Team.
  3. Click on "Manage Team" below the appropriate Team.
  4. Scroll, search or filter to find the appropriate reviewer.
  5. Click on the reviewer's name to access their Reviewer Profile.

Analyze a Reviewer Profile

When viewing a Reviewer profile, you might not know exactly what it is you're looking at. That's fine, we're here to help you analyze that page!

First, in the top-right corner, you'll find the Reviewer's rank and how many complete, withdrawn, past due, and active review campaigns that reviewer has.

Below, you'll find a list of your team and that reviewer's relation to your team. You can use the green arrow to block, add to a team, or remove from a team.

On the right, you will find all the reviews and withdrawals for that reviewer. You can also see their withdrawal reason.

If you want, you can also filter the information to be returned for a specific team only. Click on "Filters" then select a team. If that person has left reviews or feedback on that team, it will show up on the left. You'll also be able to see their numbers on the right for your team only.

You can also filter by "Review Type", so you can click on "Reviews" or "Cancellations" to see only those on a Reviewer Profile.

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