There is an error with my EPUB file. What should I do?

If you get an error message saying that there was an error with your EPUB file, that means that it will not open on Kindle and we weren't able to optimize the file to remove the error for you.

We recommend downloading the error log to see where the issue is coming from. We run the Kindle Previewer on all EPUB files to make sure they will open on Kindle. If a file doesn't open, the Kindle Previewer gives an error log that explains why the file is failing.

If you have uploaded an EPUB file that isn't compatible with Amazon, we recommend you either upload a format that is compatible with Amazon to Booksprout, or reformat the file to try to resolve the issue.

If you run into any problems uploading a new version of the file, you can reach out to our support team at [email protected].

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