Create a Booksprout Author Account

We're so happy to hear you're ready to create a Booksprout Author account! If you've never had a Booksprout account before, you can continue with the steps below. If you already have a Booksprout Reader account, you can read this tutorial on how to switch to an Author account.

  1. Go to
  2. Select if you would like to sign up via Facebook, Amazon, Apple, or email
  3. If you sign up using our a third-party account, you can follow the prompts and accept our Terms & Conditions.
  4. If you signed up via email, you'll need to enter your email address and password, then verify your email address.
  5. Select the account type that you would like. If you'd like to have access to our Author features, you'll need to select either "Author" or "Publisher/ARC Service".
  6. Enter your payment information or click on "Skip payment for now" if you're not ready to activate your account.

If you run into any issues creating your Booksprout Author account, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

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