How to Review on Amazon

If you're new to reviewing on Amazon, follow these steps to leave your review on their website and prove to Booksprout that you've completed your review.

In this tutorial:

Requirements to post a review on Amazon

Before we dive into how to review a book on Amazon, it's important to know a couple of things first:

  • You need to have spent a minimum of $50 in the past 12 months on the Amazon storefront you're reviewing on in order to be able to leave a review. (You can read more about the Community Guidelines from Amazon)
  • A book cannot be reviewed before it is published on Amazon. If you are getting the "This item is not eligible to be reviewed", it means that the book is still in pre-order and cannot be reviewed yet. Once the book is published/live, you will be able to review it. Reach out to our support team at [email protected] if you have questions about the release date of a book.

Leaving your Review on Amazon

NOTE: These instructions will only work with the Amazon website. You will be unable to follow them when using the Amazon app, so make sure you're in a web browser and not the app.

Step 1 - Get your review on Booksprout

  1. On the Booksprout website or app, navigate to the My Review Copies page.
  2. Find the book you are ready to review under the "Due" tab.
  3. Click "Continue Review" under the book information.
  4. Click on "Amazon".
  5. Copy your review.
  6. Open the Amazon link in the appropriate store.

Step 2 - Add your review to Amazon

  1. Make sure that you are on the right page by double-checking that the right book is showing at the top.
  2. Add your star rating.
  3. Paste your review.
  4. Click "Submit" when you are satisfied with your review.

Step 3 - Add your review link to Booksprout

  1. When your review is posted on Amazon, navigate to the book page on Amazon to find your review.
  2. Click on your review title.
  3. Copy the URL of that page.
  4. On Booksprout, find the book this review is for on the My Review Copies page.
  5. Click on "Continue Review".
  6. Click on "Amazon".
  7. Paste your review link.
  8. Click "Done".

Alternatively, you can also find your Amazon review link by clicking the "Find your full review" link in the email Amazon sends when a review goes live. Copy the URL and follow the rest of the steps above.

NOTE: If you have any issues finding the link to your Amazon review, you can always email our support staff at [email protected]. We'll happily find the links for you and add them to your account. 

My Amazon Review is Delayed

We understand that Amazon has a delay between when you post a review and when that review goes live on their website. If you have posted your review but you don't have the link to your review yet, follow the following steps:

  1. On the Booksprout website or app, navigate to the My Review Copies page.
  2. Find the book you are ready to review under the "Due" tab.
  3. Click "Continue Review" under the book information.
  4. Click on "Amazon".
  5. Below the "Done" button, click on "Amazon hasn't posted my review yet".

That will mark the Amazon store as "Delayed" for 10 days and will move this book under the "Rejected/Delayed" tab when only your Amazon link is missing. When you have the link, follow Step 3 of the above tutorial to paste your link on Booksprout.

My Amazon Review is rejected

Sometimes, Amazon will reject a review. If that is your case, we ask that you first contact Amazon at [email protected] and try to get your review re-instated. Once you have done that and Amazon still will not publish your review, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Booksprout website or app, navigate to the My Review Copies page.
  2. Find the book you are ready to review under the "Due" tab.
  3. Click "Continue Review" under the book information.
  4. Click on "Amazon".
  5. Below the "Done" button, click on "Amazon has rejected my review".
  6. Check the "I have contacted Amazon..." box after you have contacted Amazon.
  7. Add the reason why Amazon has rejected your review.
  8. Click "Submit".

This will not mark your review as "Complete" since you did not actually meet all the requirements. If there are other stores you can post your review to, the book will stay in your "Due" pile until it is completed. If Amazon was a required store of the only optional store you could post your review to, the book will be moved under the "Rejected/Delayed" pile. It will not count as complete, but it will not count as "Withdrawn" either.

If you are able to leave a review on that book in the future, you can always come back to the book to complete your review.

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