How to Review on Goodreads

If you're new to reviewing on Goodreads, follow these steps to leave your review on their website and prove to Booksprout that you've completed your review.

NOTE: These instructions will only work with the Goodreads website. You will be unable to find your review link when using the Goodreads app, so make sure you're in a web browser and not the app.

Step 1 - Get your review on Booksprout

  1. On the Booksprout website or app, navigate to the My Review Copies page.
  2. Find the book you are ready to review under the "Due" tab.
  3. Click "Continue Review" under the book information.
  4. Click on "Goodreads".
  5. Copy your review.
  6. Click on the "Review on Goodreads" button.

Step 2 - Add your review to Goodreads

  1. Under the book cover, mark the book as "Read".
  2. You should now see the review form. Add your star rating.
  3. Paste your review.
  4. Click "Post" when you are satisfied with your review.

Step 3 - Add your review link to Booksprout

  1. On the book page on Goodreads, scroll to the "Community Reviews" section.
  2. Find your review on the page.
  3. Click on the three dots "..." next to "Like" and "Comment.
  4. Click on "View all Reading Activity" in the drop-down menu.
  5. Copy the URL of that page.
  6. On Booksprout, find the book this review is for on the My Review Copies page.
  7. Click on "Continue Review".
  8. Click on "Goodreads".
  9. Paste your review link.
  10. Click "Done".

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